Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Council Banquet, University of Scouting and Summer Camp

2018 Council Banquet

The 2018 Council Banquet will be held on March 20th at 6 PM at Trinity on the Hill United Methodist Church. We are very excited to share with you that 3 more great Scouters will join the ranks of the Silver Beaver that night. Please plan to join us as we celebrate the volunteers of the council, and congratulate Dawn Diver, Julie Thornton and Clarence "Hoss" Wright on their selection as Silver Beavers.
Also on the agenda for the night, we will recognize several Scouters with a James E West Award, this years District Award of Merit recipients, District Journey to Excellence recognition's, 2017 Eagle Scouts, Eagle Project of the Year, and a National Outstanding Eagle Scout award will be presented.
The Commissioner of the Year will be recognized, the President's Award and Fred C Davison Award will be presented, along with 2 lifetime achievement awards, a Hornaday Award and several 2nd Century Society Donor awards. As you can see, we have much to celebrate in Scouting for 2017, and your presence at the banquet will make it that much better. The cost has been reduced to $20 per person. Registration can be completed online here.

2018 University of Scouting

The 2018 University of Scouting program is set. Just 10 days away, I encourage all Scouters to register now for this important training event. 

WHEN: Saturday, March 3, 2018 7:30 am – 4:00 pm 
WHERE: Greenbrier High School 5114 Riverwood Pkwy, Evans, GA. 30809
COST: $15.00

2018 Knox Scout Reservation Summer Camp Program

Staff positions are being filled and new program items are being added. We look forward to providing our Scouts with more opportunity in 2018! We will add additional sailboats, mountain biking, low COPE, Pistol Shooting and some other exciting additions this summer! 
Merit Badge Registration will go live on the morning of April 2nd. Units that are registered prior to April 1st will receive a FREE KNOX T-SHIRT. All Scouts and Scouters who attend camp from those units will receive a shirt. Units that register on or after April 1st will not receive a free shirt. also, units that register after April 1st will be behind other units in the opportunity to select merit badges, so don't delay, get your troop signed up now.